UAB  | UB 


General Information

Barcelona Information

Organizing Committees

Important Dates

Scientific Program







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Posters´ maximum size should be 1.54 m (60”) high and 0.90 m (35”) wide.

The title and authors must be clearly visible. Posters should be readable from a distance of 2 m.

Posters should include a photograph (on the left upper corner) of the presenting author to facilitate a maximum of scientific discussion and personal interaction.

Presenting authors are requested to be available beside their poster during the official session time.

The organization will provide tape for the mounting of the posters.


Session 1: Odd numbered posters

Set up: Friday 2nd at 18.30 h to Saturday 3th at 14.30 h.

Removal: Sunday 4th at 13:00 h.


Session 2: Even numbered posters

Set up: Sunday 4th at 13.00 h to Sunday 4th at 17:00 h.

Removal: Sunday 4th at 20:00 h (the panels are going to be removed at 20:15h)


After deadlines, poster will be dismounted by staff members and can be re-claimed in the registration desk (however, we do not take responsibility for any damage to the posters).




The different types of talks are limited in time as follows (presentation + discussion):

Plenary: 50 + 10 min.

Keynote: 25 + 5 min.

Oral Communication: 15 min total time (in case the presentation takes 15 min, no time for discussion will be available).



The organization will provide all the audiovisual facilities for oral presentations.

Microsoft Office Powerpoint2010 and Open Office3 (Impress) software will be available. If specific facilities are required, please contact the organization in advance.

Authors are requested not to use their personal computers.

In order to avoid last-minute incidents, the presentation files should be loaded in advance, so speakers are requested to contact the organization to this purpose two hours in advance at least, and to bring their presentation files on a readable USB memory stick.

After oral sessions, the presentation files will be immediately deleted from the computer.

Authors are specially requested to adapt the length of their presentations to the scheduled timetable. Additionally, in order to facilitate a maximum of scientific discussion, authors are encouraged to direct their presentations not just towards their specific topic experts but towards all the assistants.



There are four different types of contributions considered to the 11th ISABC, and only one contribution per participant will be accepted:

- Plennary lectures, only by invitation

- Keynote lectures, only by invitation

- Oral communications. All participant whishing to present their research by an oral communication can request it by sending the corresponding abstract in the format detailed below (i. e. author_TXoralcomm.doc or .docx). The awarded oral communications will be communicated to the presenting author by the 15th October 2011 with the abstract acceptance. Those abstracts not accepted as oral communications will be automatically considered as poster contributions.

- Posters. All participants are invited to submit their contribution as a poster following the format detailed below. Abstract acceptance will be communicated to the presenting author by the 15th October 2011.


Please, find here the template for the Abstracts of all types of communications.

The instructions to fill in and send the abstracts are included in the template. However, you have to take into account that:

1) As shown in the preliminary schedule of the Programme, we have 20 slots for Oral Communications, which will be awarded by the local Organizing Committee among the received applications.


2) The final file has to be saved with the surname of the presenting author, followed by a low line to indicate the topic number (T1 to T6) and the type of communication (plennary, keynote, oral communication or poster), in MSWord 2003 or 2007 format (example: capdevila_T1poster.doc or .docx ).

3) Finally, you should submit it to the following e-mail address “” as an attached file.


In case you experiment technical problems, please, contact with the Technical Secretariat:

In case you experiment scientific problems, please, contact with the Local Organizing Committee:

Expression of Interest       or    Contact us: